wide selection
Large and diverse
Training program of the month
The monthly training program is now available!
Please know that this workout is a suggestion only. It is important to consult a personal trainer or a kinesiologist in order to obtain a specific program based on your physical condition. For more information, contact Martha Godon, Program Coordinator, by email : martha.godon@sportheque.com
Orientation Sessions
Orientation for new clients (rules, how to operate equipment, etc.) Please contact customer service.
Personal Trainers
Personal trainer services are accessible to members with a minimum 3 month membership.
Minimum Age
The minimum age to train in the gym is 13 years old.
GYM, PRESTIGE and TOTAL plan members have unlimited gym access, and can obtain sessions with personal trainers and nutrition consultants by opting for one of our package deals. For more information, give us a call at 819 777 5656, ext. 208.
Sporthèque non-members can use our GYM by paying a guest fee. However, for sessions with personal trainers and nutrition consultants, membership is required.