
Health Capsules

Tablet and smartphone: How to use them without wearing

Gabrielle Pelletier, Pht, GoPhysio

Tablet and smartphone: How to use them without wearing

In recent years, the use of tablets and smartphones has become commonplace. Although it may seem trivial, their use can have consequences on the physical health of their owner. In physiotherapy we meet more and more patients who show pain often related to the use of this new technology. Although it is quite rare to encounter serious injuries due to the use of a tablet or a smartphone, it is possible to feel pain that can quickly become disabling daily. These pains are mainly due to overuse of these devices and poor postural habits. They usually occur in the neck, shoulders, back, wrists and thumbs. The main cause of these pains is the posture of the head. Indeed, a bending head (leaning forward) will be subject to a gravitational force that can increase three to five times its weight. This flexion more solves the posterior musculature of the neck which is more prone to fatigue because it is not made to maintain long the bowed head. This posture will therefore affect the cervical structures and may cause pain that will spread to the neck, shoulders and back.
Tips from a physiotherapy professional for a good use of your mobile devices
1. Move regularly
Since the pain is often related to the sustained position, we recommend taking a break of a few minutes every hour. These short breaks will allow you to relax the musculature while promoting the health of your muscles and your joint structures.
2. Use the right accessories
The use of certain accessories, such as a tablet stand or keyboard, will improve the posture of the person using the device. By the same token, will help prevent the occurrence of neck and upper limb pain.
3. Adopt the right posture
Maintaining good posture is often the key to success in preventing a lot of pain. It is strongly discouraged to use your mobile device while lying down. Instead, choose a comfortable sitting position where your back can be maintained and your wrists can remain in a neutral position. It is also advisable to give the device a 60-degree angle to decrease the tension in the neck. Avoid working with the tablet flat on your knees.
Your pains persist? Think about physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is a valuable ally when talking about the pain of using mobile devices. Following an assessment that will allow him to make a portrait of the condition of his patient, the physiotherapy professional will be able to establish what are the different issues involved. In the first place, he will prescribe to his patient a program of specific and adapted exercises that will allow him to strengthen the painful area and relieve it. He will also give advice to improve the posture and ergonomics of his patient on a daily basis. In addition, he will use some techniques of manual therapy and muscle relaxation to release tension. Finally, it is important to remember that the sooner a problem is taken care of, the more effective the treatments will be and the quicker results. If you have any doubts about your physical health, do not hesitate to consult your local physiotherapy clinic.
Reference: OPPQ